Sunday, September 13, 2009

so this weekend i went to "cubillas" which is the family "finca" (estate or farm or ranch type of thing) which was incridble!! my mom's dad and all his 10 siblings (11 kids in total) got land and from their parents, and so each kid built a home on a hill. but i don't quite understand, because the houses are from the 1st and 2nd century, so they must have bought the houses and then put toilets and running water and modern stuff. now on the hill there is a community of 11 houses pretty big, a little chapel and a pool. then they have at least a hundred acres of uncultivated land. so you just spend your time doing whatever outdoors. my family arrived on friday and we had a little dinner there with the grandparents and some cousins and some aunts and uncles. then on saturday, we had a big paella and celebrated saint maria. (everyone in spain is catholic, so they are all named after a saint. and on the day of your saint you eat well and celebrate and people give you money. one cousin and one aunt were both named after the saint maria). then, i learned how to shoot a gun!!! i got 11 tries and on the final one i hit the cans placed 20 paces ahead. (i have pics, but i forgot to pack the cable connecting my camera to my computer, so i will upload them later.) that was exciting!! then, we ate and played trivia. thanks to my catlin education i was able to answer more questions about the bible then cousin maria who i was playing with who is a devote catholic. our days were really lazy waking up around 11am having a light breakfast then around 2:30pm eating a big lunch, and around 10pm eating a light-ish dinner. there is a lot of meat! i was a vegetarian before i left, and now i eat meat more than once every day, usually i have no idea what i am eating. but i had chorizo, and all sorts of things. on sunday tio asked me if i wanted to do something and i really had no idea what he said but i was like 'sure!' it turned out that he had shot some pigeons and wanted to eat them. so he took me and maria (my sister) and she started showing me how to take off the feathers and i was like 'no thank you' and left. that was a little too gross for me. but anyways i start school tomorrow and i am very nervous.


  1. Target shooting can be fun! A long time ago, we used to target shoot at cans at Grampa Roman's, but you were just a baby :)
    I love reading your blogs - you are very funny - keep on writing.....
    Auntie Cheryl

  2. OH my I did laugh aloud at the vision of you watching them de-feather the pigeon!!!
    And, you go girl eating meat!!! Love the updates! Syd
